Payment instrument programs consist of thousands of small dollar items with millions of transactions tracked by data processing systems. Transaction data drives compliance work required for accounting, tax, unclaimed property laws, consumer protection statutes and anti-money laundering regulations. Manual application of transaction data is unrealistic. Card Compliant deploys technology to do the work in large volume data environments.
Compliance tasks are required on a per item basis for each instrument in a payment instrument program. Manual application of rules to large volumes of small dollar items is inaccurate and non-productive. Card Compliant leverages technology to handle the volume work on a per item basis.
Compliance is required with multiple changing rules issued by multiple jurisdictions and governing bodies addressing multiple subjects. Manual application of the resultant rubric is inaccurate, slow and unrealistic. Card Compliant lets technology apply complex regulatory matrices to large volumes of items.
Compliance decision-making is difficult and uncertain in applying multiple changing rules by multiple jurisdictions on overlapping subjects to instruments issued used across multiple geographies. Card Compliant deploys serv-tech and uses artificial intelligent decision-making capabilities to do the work on a per item basis.
Proper compliance management requires visibility into large volume portfolios. Card Compliant uses technologies to provide analytics, forecasts and audit trails.